Throughout its history, the United Passaic Organization has worked for community wholeness by networking and collaborating with community resources, working together towards common goals. As the Community Action Agency of Passaic, UPO strives to help the City’s residents reach self-sufficiency.

Since its creation in 1981, UPO has developed a strong record of accomplishments based on effective service provided to residents of the municipality of Passaic focusing on empowering its constituency and enhancing the quality of life for the people of Passaic and surrounding communities.

UPO has been a staple in the community working alongside local politicians, members of the faith community, hospitals, the Passaic school system, civic groups, and many local residents to improve life in Passaic. 

UPO worked with the Passaic High School System to develop a drug abuse prevention program for parents and children and fostered the general improvement of the public school system, spearheaded a successful litigation campaign to prevent the construction of a garbage incinerator in the neighborhood, prevented and defeated redlining efforts in Passaic, fought against pornography, and partnered with city officials to promote the development of low-cost and affordable housing, an increase of jobs and redevelopment plans for burnt-out areas.

Today, this agency has taken a multi-pronged approach to serve the whole individual in the form of emergency food programs, homelessness prevention, rental assistance, educational workshops, job training, case management, community organization, health-related initiatives, immigration services, income tax preparation, leadership training, financial literacy and warm referrals to partner agencies.

UPO Community Action: Our Story